
My Resume

Name: Stephanie Current Job Title: Diaper Changer, Drool Wiper Upper, Baby Feeder (aka Mom) Previous Work Experience: 2004 - 2011 Third Grade Teacher 2011 - 2012 Second Grade Teacher  2012 - 2015 Special Education Teacher  Previous Job Duties: *coach children to be their best selves *read aloud with zest as to instill the love of reading in others *skip around the room because I am so excited about math - and of course you should be too! *clap with joy when it is time to use my voice and write *comfort young children before, during, and after standardized tests *show compassion to children who have never seen it *cry happy tears while writing 30 page long reports - kids can make incredible progress! *cry sad tears when reading reports of children in foster care *love, love, love, and love some more - and when I get tired of that love harder! *teach those who do not want to be taught Some people think teaching is easy.  Those who think this know